BAS-5320 INTER 2.0
Broadband indoor antenna Inter 2.0 is intended to receive television programs in the ranges 1-12 and 21-69 channels in analog and digital broadcast formats. The antenna is based on the classic log-periodic structure for UHF channels and has a flexible dipole element for VHF channels. Power of the new construction is almost not subject to the negative impact of interference from the switching power supply of modern appliances and computer equipment.
The antenna has a built-in amplifier, which has a different variants of powering
Perhaps the usage of an additional amplifier «INDOOR USB» in case of a weak signal.
Placing antennas: Antenna Type: Passive version: The gain, max., Channel 1-5: The gain, max., Channel 6-12: The gain, max., Channel 21-69: Impedance Connector type: Сolor of case: Dimensions of assembly: Weight: The cable length: |
Indoor Broadband TV Antenna 7dBi 32dBi 34dBi 42dBi 75 Ohm TV aerial plug On demand 255x235x80mm 0.67kg 1.8m |
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