Amplified omnidirectional HDTV antenna for RVs, campers, trucks, boats, buses etc
The antenna receives TV signal though 360 deg. Easy to install and tune. May be used on mobile vehicles and campers.
The housing is made of impact-resistant plastic with additional protection from sunlight. The mount holds the antenna securely when the car moves at 110 mph speed. The antenna withstands mechanical impacts from branches, bushes, stones and other objects. If necessary, the antenna can be easily dismounted from the vehicle. In the kit there is a special plug, which prevents moisture from getting inside. The power supply is provided by the vehicle’s voltage from 11 to 28 volts.
The antenna has small dimensions (320x320x165mm). It is modern and protected from atmospheric influences. Available in white color.
A complete set of fasteners, a coaxial cable, a power injector, a plug.
Supplied in a full-color cardboard box.
Placing antennas: Antenna Type: The gain, max., Channel 21-69: Impedance: Connector type: Supply voltage: Сolor of case: |
Outdoor Broadband TV Antenna 30dBi 75 Ohm F 11-28V white |
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