The Dvina-DX 5V is a classic log-periodic active antenna for analog and digital UHF television reception that is a perfect choice for most urban and suburban locations.
It is made from aluminum and coated or plated components so it is durable and long-lasting outdoors. It features 28 dBi of gain and measures only 371 x 340 x 50 cm.
It comes with a bracket assembly for easy attachment to a mast. Its range is nominally 10-15 km. Cabling is sold separately.
The antenna has a different variants of powering.
Antenna can be powered by the USB-input of the TV, computer, etc. by using USB power adapter.
Perhaps the usage of an additional amplifier «INDOOR USB» in case of a weak signal.
Placing antennas: Antenna Type: The gain, max., Channel 21-69: Impedance: Connector Type: Supply voltage: Сolor of case: Dimensions of assembly: Weight: |
Outdoor UHF-band TV Antenna 28dBi 75 Ohm F 5V On demand 371х340х50mm 0.1kg |
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